Department Community
The Department Retreat 2022 Science Talks
Galit Lahav, Chair, gives her opening remarks at the 2022 Department Retreat
October 2021 Fest on the HMS Quad
A few Paulsson lab members pose for a pic at the Fall First Friday
2020 Virtual Department Holiday Party
Even remote, the Department Holiday Party was a sweet success
Summer "Friday Freeze"
Every summer we host a DEI sponsored “Friday Freeze” on the quad!
Thankfulness Tree
Fall 2021 we created a thankfulness tree for folks to write what got them through the year. What resulted was a tree full of happiness
Halloween 2020
LabOps dressed as the hottest commodity in pandemic plasticware #15mlconicals
Tunes on the Quad
Sometimes you just have to lay down a nice beat to get the party going.- brought to you by Silver Lab’s own DJ Laser
Butterfly Connection
These origami butterflies created by department members, allowed us all to feel less isolated. as we returned from remote work
Department Happy Hours
Happy Hour returned after almost three years with a stunning luminescent theme from the Megason Lab
Department Halloween Costume Party 2022
The party of the decades!
SSQB PhD Program Retreat
Our SSQB graduate students experienced a weekend of science and fun in Portsmouth, NH
DEI Working Group Lunch
The DEI Working Groups got together for a picnic lunch this summer to plan new projects and celebrate the successes of the past year
A Celebration of Synthetic Biology October 2022
An event that brought together folks from throughout the area interested in using synthetic biology to address the pressing problems of climate change, food insecurity, and much more.
Dept Postdoc Group Winter Party 2023
A few of our Dept. Postdocs got together with hot cocoa and cookies to celebrate another successful year!
Sysbio|HiTS Spring Party at the New England Aquarium
A few of our Systems Biology Department Graduate Students enjoying food, fun, and the fish!
Photo credit Steven Lipofsky
First Generation Student Mixer
First-Gen Initiative, a new Systems Biology DEI group, inaugural afternoon of food, drinks, and socializing on Wednesday May 24th from 4-6 PM on the Harvard Longwood Campus
Spring 2023 Department Bake-Off Competition!
Our Spring competition featured entries of cakes, cookies, and more!
Department Retreat 2023
Poster Sessions at night 1 of the 2023 Department retreat in Portsmouth, NH. Featuring the Lahav Lab!
Breakout Sessions at the 2023 Department Retreat
Chatting with other folks about your projects while developing working relationships across the department (and sometimes there are snacks involved)
Friendly competition amongst colleagues at the 2023 Department Retreat!
First Generation College Student Summer Social
Our DEIB Fellowship Working Group for First Generation College students hosted their summer social in June of 2023!
Summer Celebration for Pam Silver
An evening celebrating Pam Silver and her induction to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
2023 Summer Undergraduate Program Interns
Celebrating our Systems Biology Program Interns
2023 Halloween Costume Party
When the lab accidentally creates a blocky universe portal instead of building their Halloween costumes.
Eclipse on the Quad
2024 Department and school eclipse party
Department Winter Potluck
Folks celebrated their favorite dishes and
the new year together
Check out previous department retreats and events from past years at Systems Biology
Department Events
Systems Social
Every Thursday at the Sysbio 5th floor kitchen you can find a majority of the department coming together for food and drink while we decompress from the work week and help each other with answering the questions halting research
Seminar Series
We host a variety of continual seminar series and frequent guest speakers!