Faculty Members
Galit Lahav
Department Chair | Novartis Professor of Systems Biology
The Lahav lab studies the temporal dynamics of biological signals, especially in the signaling network of the tumor suppressor p53, by combining quantitative live imaging of single human cells with mathematical modeling.
Sean Megason
Vice Department Chair | Professor of Systems Biology
The Megason Lab uses imaging-based systems biology to elucidate systems level principles of animal development. -
Markus Basan
Associate Professor of Systems Biology
The Basan lab seeks a more quantitative and predictive understanding of physiology on the cellular and organism scale. achieved.
Angela DePace
Associate Professor of Systems Biology
On leave until March 2024The DePace lab aims to understand how regulatory DNA dictates transcriptional network behavior and, ultimately, organismal phenotype and evolution.
Walter Fontana
Professor of Systems Biology
The Fontana lab spans experimental and theoretical approaches in a desire to address fundamental problems in systems biology.
Jeremy Gunawardena
Associate Professor of Systems Biology
The Gunawardena lab studies information processing in mammalian cells using a combination of experimental, theoretical and computational approaches.
John Higgins
Professor of Systems Biology
The Higgins lab studies the dynamics of human pathophysiologic processes by developing mathematical descriptions of complex human disease phenotypes and how they change over time.
Sahand Hormoz
Associate Professor of Systems Biology
The Hormoz lab’s mission is to control biological systems to understand life and cure disease. For example, we try to generate blood stem cells from skin cells and evolve viruses for gene therapy.
Marc Kirschner
John Franklin Enders University Professor of Systems Biology
The Kirschner lab studies spatial organization and temporal control in several biological contexts, including the cell cycle, the cytoskeleton, and embryonic development.
Allon Klein
Professor of Systems Biology
The Klein lab studies the behaviors and properties of cellular systems that underlie the ability of metazoan cells to self-organize into tissues, allowing tissues to achieve the correct size and function, and persist and regenerate over decades of adult life.
Ying Lu
Assistant Professor of Systems Biology
The Lu lab aims to understand how accurate control of protein degradation is achieved and how failures of control contribute to neurodegeneration and aging.
Debora Marks
Professor of Systems Biology
The Marks lab develops computational approaches to make sense of evolutionary variation.
Timothy Mitchison
Hasib Sabbagh Professor of Systems Biology
The Mitchison lab works on fundamental questions of how cells are spatially organized, and on applied problems in pharmacology and drug development
Vamsi Mootha
Professor of Systems Biology
The Mootha lab uses genomics, computation and biochemistry to investigate mitochondrial function in health and disease
Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv
Assistant Professor of Systems Biology
The Oyler-Yaniv lab explores the molecular, cellular, and tissue-level properties that regulate the balance between pathogen clearance and tissue integrity.
Johan Paulsson
Professor of Systems Biology
The Paulsson lab investigates the role of chance in biological behavior.
Sandro Santagata
Associate Professor of Systems Biology
The Santagata Lab focuses on developing and implementing new technologies and computational approaches for multiplexed tissue imaging of cancer resection specimens in 2D and 3D.
Pamela Silver
Elliot T. and Onie H. Adams Professor of Biochemistry and Systems Biology
The Silver Lab seeks to enhance our understanding of natural biological design, and to develop tools and concepts for designing cells, tissues and organisms.
Marcos Simoes-Costa
Associate Professor of Systems Biology
In the Simoes-Costa Lab, we study how cellular diversity arises during vertebrate embryonic development. We employ systems-level approaches to decode the molecular programs that drive changes in cell identity. Our research group is particularly interested in how gene regulatory networks operate in space to generate complex arrangements of cells.
More Info -
Peter Sorger
Otto Krayer Professor of Systems Biology
The Sorger lab uses experimental and computational methods to construct data-driven, systems-wide models of cellular function that contain detailed mechanistic information on the activities of individual proteins.
Michael Springer
Professor of Systems Biology
The Springer lab aims to uncover principles of the evolution of phenotypic variation by studying quantitative variation in pathways involved in signaling and metabolism in yeast
Ralph Weissleder
Professor of Systems Biology
The Weissleder lab combines chemistry, imaging, mathematics and engineering to gain insight into human biology in health and disease, develop novel diagnostic tools, and identify new therapeutic targets.
Peng Yin
Professor of Systems Biology
The Yin lab engineers programmable molecular systems inspired by biology.
Department Instructors
Becky Ward
Executive Director, Systems Biology
Alon Oyler-Yaniv
Instructor | Oyler-Yaniv Lab
Arpita Kulkarni
Associate Director of Single Cell Core
Ashwini Jambhekar
Associate Lab Director, Lahav Lab
Systems Biology Internship Co-Director -
Calixto Saenz
Director Microfluidics Core
Christine Field
Senior Instructor | Mitchison Lab
Chris Sander
Clarence Yapp
Director of Microscopy and Image Analysis
Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology -
Edward Pym
Instructor | DePace Lab
Jeffrey Way
Synthetic Biology
Leonid Peshkin
Principal Research Scientist in Systems Biology
Mandovi Chatterjee
Single Cell Technology Manager,
Director, Single Cell Core at Harvard Medical School -
Matt Sonnett
Director of the Quantitative Proteomics Research Group
Simon F. Nørrelykke
Director of the Biomedical Computer Vision Facility
Talley Lambert
Lecturer in Systems Biology